Do you mind if I ask a favor?

You enjoyed either or both the first and the second book in the Javin Pierce spy thriller series, The Corrector and Betrayal and have posted a review about one or both of them. I’d like to take this moment to thank you again for your time and wonderful support.
Do you mind if I ask a favor? Please take a moment to copy and paste your old review or write a new one, if you so choose, on the Double Feature, a boxset of both these books that I’ve just created. I’m offering these two books as a special deal, and would appreciate a few reviews, so that new readers can know what to expect from these spy thrillers and my writing.
For your convenience, below is the link to the Double Feature on, but the boxset is available on all other online bookstores. Just copy and paste Ethan Jones Javin Pierce Box Set and it will show up. Then, please copy and paste your review or write a new one.